Friday, September 12, 2008

The long await moment

Feww... today was so tiring… still can’t escape from daily busy routine…sick sad little life but I still adore my life cause I’m the one coloring it...I’m not letting go every moments I had and there no one going take it away…Even when something you thing you missing but its still there…cause memories going be there everlasting…Whether it’s wrong or right there no one going stop you remembering what you created cause that the colorful of life...You used to fill it and color it…From empty canvas into masterpieces of your own…No one reluctant to leave what they created…Even say memories not value as money…Yes you are right, we can’t make without it…But think again, are you already start from, everyone start from nothing…null…As you walk away in your life…don’t forget your past…where you came from…and what are you are made of today…are results from the past…everyone that used get along with you, from the beginning until the end of this journey,...even that time I’m not longer a young man…Older than today, wiser than before…Like this words I’m wrote, each words that represents my life journey…I’m going to fade away soon...but what I’m created today you will remember...even now you rather to forget but someday I’m sure there will be… something that remind you of me…Until this long await moment, keep moving…keep pushing cause we don’t know what waiting us onward,…Behold…cause I’m going to wait for this long await moment…and I’m sure that soon it’s going to be mine…

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